Equadiff history

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Records of previous editions of Equadiff


We only list here the previous Equadiff conferences held in Western Europe.
For comprehensive information on the Equadiff conferences in Eastern Europe
(Prague, Bratislava, Brno), please consult the Czech Digital Mathematical Library.


Equadiff 2011: Loughborough (UK), August 1 to 5, 2011

Organizers: Mark Groves, Björn Sandstede

Plenary Speakers
Simon Brendle (Stanford, USA), Yann Brenier (Nice, France), Sue Ann
Campbell (Waterloo, Canada), David Damanik (Rice University, USA),
Thierry Gallay (Grenoble, France), Vassili Gelfreich (Warwick, UK),
Ray Goldstein (Cambridge, UK), Sergei Kuksin (Paris, France), Andrea
Malchiodi (SISSA Trieste, Italy), Jonathan Mattingly (Duke University,
USA), Barbara Niethammer (Oxford, UK), George Papanicolaou (Stanford,
USA), Jesús María Sanz-Serna (Valladolid, Spain), Mary Silber
(Northwestern University, USA) Georg Weiss (Düsseldorf, Germany)

1) Celestial mechanics (Alain Albouy, Eldar Straume)
2) Conservation laws (Peter Szmolyan, Kevin Zumbrun)
3) Delay differential equations (Jan Sieber, Hans-Otto Walther)
4) Dynamical systems techniques for fluids (James Robinson, Margaret Beck)
5) EPDiff@Equadiff (David Ellis, Darryl Holm)
6) Exponentially small phenomena (Carles Simo, Tere Seara)
7) Front propagation in heterogeneous media (Elaine Crooks, Grégoire Nadin)
8) Functional-differential equations with rescaling (Leonid Bogachev, Gregory Derfel, Arieh Iserles)
9) Geometric algorithms for partial differential equations (Elizabeth Mansfield, Snorre Christiansen)
10) Homogenisation (Grigorios Pavliotis, Konstantinos Zygalakis)
11) Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems (Peter Bates)
12) Kinetic equations (Barbara Niethammer, Juan Velazquez)
13) Large scale numerical bifurcation problems (Andrew Cliffe, David Lloyd)
14) Limit cycles (Magdalena Caubergh, Maite Grau)
15) Mathematical neuroscience (Stephen Coombes, Paul Bresslof)
16) Nonlinear waves in lattices (Hermen Jan Hupkes, Dmitry Pelinovsky)
17) Pattern formation (Jonathan Dawes, Alastair Rucklidge)
18) Problems with moving interfaces (Pavel Grinfeld, Jean-Christophe Nave)
19) Singular perturbation theory (Freddy Dumortier, Peter De Maesschalck)
20) Spectral theory and dynamics of cocycles (David Damanik, Roberta Fabbri)
21) Statistical properties of dynamical systems (Henk Bruin, Matthew Nicol)
22) Water waves (Vera Hur, Erik Wahlén)

Titles and abstracts of all talks     Conference book

Equadiff 2007: Vienna (Austria), August 5 to 11, 2007

Organizers: Peter Szmolyan, Anton Arnold, Josef Hofbauer,
Christian Schmeiser, Alois Steindl, Gerald Teschl, Josef Teichmann

Plenary speakers
Laurent Desvillettes (Cachan, France), Boris Dubrovin (SISSA Trieste,
Italy), Marek Fila (Bratislava, Slovakia), Martin Hairer (Warwick,
UK), Yanyan Li (Rutgers, USA), Björn Sandstede (Surrey, UK), Christoph
Schwab (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Amie Wilkinson (Northwestern
University, USA), Enrique Zuazua (Madrid, Spain)

Keynote speakers
Viviane Baladi (Paris), Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage (Lyon), Philippe Briand
(Rennes), Steffen Börm (Leipzig), Jonathan Dawes (Cambridge), Eduard
Feireisl (Prague), Vassili Gelfreich (Warwick), Samuel Herrmann
(Nancy), Guillaume James (Toulouse), Ansgar Jüngel (Vienna), Tibor
Krisztin (Szeged), Daniel Lenz (Chemnitz), Jean Mawhin (Louvain),
Alexander Mielke (Berlin), Karol Mikula (Bratislava), Maria José
Pacifico (Rio), Christian Ringhofer (Arizona), Stefan Siegmund
(Frankfurt), Hannes Uecker (Stuttgart), Juan Velazquez (Madrid),
Stephanos Venakides (Duke).

Titles and abstracts of all talks


Equadiff 2003: Hasselt (Belgium), July 22 to 26, 2003

Organizers: Freddy Dumortier, Henk Broer, Jean Mawhin,
Andre Vanderbauwhede, Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel

Plenary speakers
Angel Jorba (Barcelona, Spain), Martin Golubitsky (Houston, USA), Mark
Groves (Loughborough, UK), Vadim Yu Kaloshin (Caltech, USA), Pavel
Krejčí (Prague, Czech Republic), Robert S. Mackay (Warwick, UK), John
Mallet-Paret (Brown university, USA), Rafael Ortega (Granada, Spain),
Peter Poláčik (Minneapolis, USA), Robert Roussarie (Dijon, France),
Klaus Schmitt (Salt Lake City, USA), Floris Takens (Groningen, The
Netherlands) Yingfei Yi (Atlanta, USA)

1) Computational aspects of differential equations and applications (B. Krauskopf, K. Lust)
2) Water waves (M. Groves, M. Haragus)
3) Topological and variational methods (J. Mawhin)
4) Qualitative theory of nonlinear parabomic and elliptic equations (H. Matano, M. Fila)
5) Around Hilbert's 16th problem (Y. Ilyashenko, R. Roussarie, F. Dumortier)
6) Navier-Stokes equations and reaction-diffusion equations (R. Farwig, W. Wiegner)
7) Hyperbolic dynamics and beyond (M. Viana, V. Araujo)
8) Symmetry and mechanics (M. Golubitsky, M. Roberts, A. Vanderbauwhede)
9) Shock waves and conservation laws (K. Zumbrun, D. Serre)
10) Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations (A. Ambrosetti, C. Stuart)
11) Algebraic aspects of optimisation in dynamical systems (O.J. Vrieze, R.L.M Peeters, H.Th. Jongen)
12) Case studies in theoretical interpretations of numerical experiments (C. Simo, H. Broer)
13) Infinite-dimensional dynamics (B. Fiedler, G. Raugel)
14) Quasiperiodicity (H. Hanssmann, H. Broer)
15) Delay Equations (J. Mallet-Paret, H.O. Walther)
16) Waves stability and pattern formation (A. Doelman, B. Sandstede)
17) Nonautonomous dynamics (R. Johnson, R. Obaya, G. Sell, Y. Yi)
18) Normal forms and invariant manifolds (P. Bonckaert, F. Verhulst)
19) Singular perturbations (T. Kaper, S. Szmolyan, F. Dumortier)
20) Differential geometric foliations and flows (J. Sotomayor)
21) Homoclinic and heteroclinic dynamics (H. Kokubu, A.J. Homburg)
22) Mathematics aspects of celestial mechanics (A. Albouy, R. Moeckel)

International Conference on Differential Equations, Hasselt 2003
Freddy Dumortier, Henk Broer, Jean Mawhin, Andre Vanderbauwhede,
Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (eds)
World Scientific Publishing, 2005


Equadiff 1999: Berlin (Germany), August 1 to 7,1999

Organizers: Bernold Fiedler, Konrad Gröger, Jürgen Sprekels

Plenary speakers
Michael Dellnitz, Lawrence C. Evans, John Guckenheimer, Jack K. Hale,
John Mallet-Paret, Jerry Marsden, Hans Othmer, Marcelo Viana

Keynote speakers
Nick Alikakos, Antonio Ambrosetti, Tom Beale, Yann Brenier, Demetri
Christodoulou, Fritz Colonius, Hans Crauel, Albert Gilg, Ray
Goldstein, Tai-Ping Liu, Eric Lombardi, Hiroshi Matano, Ian Melbourne,
Alexander Mikhailov, Rick Moeckel, Francis Nier, Felix Otto, George
Patrick, Jan Sanders, Björn Sandstede, Tim Sauer, Christof Schütte,
Carles Simó, Roman Srzednicki, Peter Szmolyan, Juan Velazquez, Sjoerd
Verduyn Lunel, Augusto Visintin, Mark Vishik, Gene Wayne

A) Dynamical Systems
A1) Celestial Mechanics (K. R. Meyer)
A2) Homoclinic Tangencies (A. J. Homburg, F. Takens)
A3) Singular Perturbations (P. Szmolyan, D. Terman)
A4) Stochastic Systems (L. Arnold, P. Kloeden)
A5) Symmetry (M. Field, M. Golubitsky)
A6) Topological Methods and Conley Index (K. Mischaikow, M. Mrozek)

B) Infinite Dimensions
B1) Delay Equations (S. M. Verduyn Lunel, H.-O. Walther)
B2) Geometric Dynamics (H. Matano)
B3) Hyperbolic Conservation Laws (T.-P. Liu, G. Warnecke)
B4) Hyperbolic Wave Equations (F. Duzaar, J. Grotowski)
B5) Hysteresis (J. Sprekels)
B6) Large Domains (A. Mielke, G. Schneider)
B7) Lattice Dynamical Systems (S.-N. Chow)
B8) Microstructure (S. Müller)
B9) Nonlinear Functional Analysis (H. Kielhöfer, J. Mawhin)
B10) Variational Methods (M. Giaquinta)
B11) Viscosity Solutions (N. Trudinger)

C) Global Attractors and Stability
C1) Global Attractors and Limits (J. K. Hale, G. Raugel)
C2) Nonautonomous Attractors (M. Vishik)
C3) Order Preserving Dynamical Systems (H. Matano)
C4) Qualitative Theory of Parabolic Equations (P. Polacik)
C5) Stability of Fronts and Pulses (B. Sandstede)

D) Computational Aspects
D1) Computer Algebra Tools (J. Sanders)
D2) Control and Optimization (F. Colonius)
D3) Dynamics and Algorithms (E. Doedel)
D4) Exponentially Small Phenomena (C. Simo)
D5) Geometric Integrators (J. E. Marsden)
D6) Numerical Ergodic Theory (M. Dellnitz)
D7) Numerics of Dynamics (C. Grebogi)

E) Applications
E1) Chemistry (Y. Kevrekidis)
E2) Chemotaxis, Cross-Diffusion, and Blow-Up (A. Stevens)
E3) Industrial Applications (A. Schuppert)
E4) Mechanics (J. Marsden, J. Scheurle)
E5) Models in Biology, Medicine, and Physiology (Ph. K. Maini)
E6) Molecular Modelling (F. Bornemann)
E7) Patterns (P. Fife)
E8) Semiconductors (H. Gajewski)
E9) Steady Water Waves (G. Iooss)
E10) Unsteady Hydrodynamic Waves (J. F. Toland)

International conference on Differential Equations, Berlin 1999 (2 volumes)
B. Fiedler, K. Gröger, J. Sprekels (eds), World Scientific, 2000

Equadiff 1995: Lisbon (Portugal), July 24 to 29, 1995
Luis T. Magalhaes, J. Basto Gonçalves, Carlos Rocha, Luis Sanchez

Main speakers
Antonia Ambrosetti, Anatoli Babin, Hugo Beirao da Veiga,
Giuseppe Da Prato, Aleksey Davydov, Björn Engquist,
Bernold Fiedler, Giorgio Fusco, Giovanni P. Galdi,
Jack K. Hale, David Kinderlehrer, Stanislav Kruzhkov,
Jaume Llibre, Olando Lopes, Yvon Maday, John Mallet-Paret,
Jean Mawhin, Xavier Mora, Waldyr M. Oliva, Peter Olver,
Hildebrando M. Rodrigues, George Sell, Jalal Shatah,
Carles Simo, Jorge Sotomayor, Luc Tartar, John Toland,
Juan L. Vazquez

International conference on Differential Equations, Lisboa 1995
L. Magalhaes, C. Rocha, L. Sanchez (eds)
World Scientific, 1998

Equadiff 1991: Barcelona (Spain), August 26 to 31, 1991

Scientific Committee
P. Brunovsky, R. Conti,J.K. Hale, J.L.Mawhin,G.R. Sell, J. Sinai, F. Takens, R.Temam, O.C. Zenkiewicz

Organizers: C. Perello, C. Simo, J. Solà-Morales

Plenary invited lectures
Jack K.Hale & Geneviève Raugel, Olga Ladyzhenskaia, K.W. Morton

Invited lectures
N. D. Alikakos & G. Fusco, L. Arnold & X. Kedai, H. W. Broer & R. Roussarie & C.Simo,
M. P. Calvo and J. M. Sanz-Serna, 
A. Delshams & T. M. Seara, L. Demkowicz,
E. Fernandez-Cara & J.Real, 
U. Hornung & W.Jäger, J. Kacur & W. Jäger,
V. F. Lazutkin, J. Llibre, 
K. Morgan & D. Lefebvre & J. Peraire, A. I. Neishtadt,
W. M. Oliva, 
P. Polacik, P.-A. Raviart & L. Sainsaulieu, J. L. Vazquez

EQUADIFF 1991: International Conference on Differential Equations
by C. Perello, C. Simo, J. Sola-Morales (eds)
World Scientific, 1992.

Equadiff 1987: Xanthi (Greece), August 1987

Scientific Committee
R. Conti, C. M. Dafermos, W. Everitt, A. Friedman, A. Halanay,
J. Hale, J. Kurzweil, G. Ladas, A. Lasota, J. Mawhin, G. Papanicolau, J. Serrin.

John Schinas, Moses Boudourides, Dimitrios Georgiou, Amalia Meimaridou.
Contributions by
J. Aczél & D. Gronau, J. C. Alexander & B. Fiedler,
Vasilios Alexiades, O. Arino & A. Cherif, L. Arnold & P. Boxler, G. A. Athanassoulis & G. N. Makrakis, L. Barbanti, P. Berglez, M. Bertsch & D. Hilhorst, A. R. Bestman, M. A. Boudourides & A. C. Nikoudes, P. Brunovsky, A. Calsina, L. Carlomusto & A. Pianese, A. Chaljub-Simon, S.-N. Chow & X.-B. Lin & K. J. Palmer, R. L. Clerc & C. Hartmann, J. Cnops, C. M. Dafermos, G. Da Prato, M. d'Aujourd'hui, M. Del Pino & Raul Manasevich, F. Diener & M. Diener, K. Dressler, A. L. Edelson & R. Vakilian, U. Elias, M. J. Englefield, M. Faierman & G. F. Roach, C.-K. Feng, T. Furumochi, Y. Giga & R. B. Kohn, J. R. Graef & M. K. Grammatikopoulos & P. W. Spikes, G. Gripenberg, I. Györi, J. K. Hale, P. Hess, Y. Hino & S. Murakami, N. Hirano, L. Jodar, T. Kaczynski, B. Kawohl, P. E. Kloeden & J. Lorenz, C. Koçak, D.  Kravvaritis & N. Stavrakakis, G. Ladas, G. Ladas & E. C. Partrheniadis & J. Schinas, G. Ladas & E. C. Partheniadis & Y. G. Sficas, A. Laforgia & E. Santi, H. Lange, M. L. Lapidus & J. Fleckinger, A. A. Liolios, G. Liu, P. Lory, V. Maric & Z. Radasin, M.- L. Mascarenhas, A. Matsumura & T. Nishida, R. M. M. Mattheij, G. H. Meyer, X. Mora & J. Sola-Morales, S. Murakami & T. Naito, A. Nunez & J. Casasayas, J. Casasayas & A . Nunez, P. K. Palamides & L. H. Erbe, D. Pascali, G. Peeters, L. A. Peletier, C. Perello, N. I. Popivanov, V. Rakidzi & S. Radev, A. G. Rigas, J.-F. Rodrigues, J. Rodriguez & J. J. Trujillo & M. Rivero, B. Rossetto, R. Salvi, D. Siegel, V. A. Solonnikov, F. Szigeti, J. Terjeki, A. Tertikas, J. Turo, H. Ugowski, M. Valencia, A. Valli, P. van Beek, A. Vanderbauwhede & M. Krupa  & M. Golubitski, Z. Varga, S. Vanakides, V. Vespri, M. C. Vincourt, P. Volkmann, W. Wedig, G. Zampieri.

Differential equations, proceedings of the Equadiff conference
Edited by C.M. Dafermos, G. Ladas, G. Papanicolau
Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics 118
Marcel Dekker, 1989

Equadiff 1982: Würzburg (Germany), August 23 to 28, 1982
Scientific Committee
R. Conti, W.N. Everitt, J.K. Hale, W. Jäger, J. Kurzweil, J. Mawhin, J. Moser, M. Roseau,
K. Schmitt, T. Yoshizawa

P. Hagedorn, H.W. Knobloch, H. Kielhöfer, R. Reissig, W. Werner.
Contributions by
W. Alt & M. Dembo, A. Ambrosetti, J. Appel, O. Arino & I. Györi, B. Aulbach, L. Barbanti, M. Bardi, V. Benci & A. Capozzi & D. Fortunato, W.-J. Beyn, M. A. Boudourides, T. Brugarino & A . Canino & P. Pantano, A. Canada & P. Martinez-Amores, A. Capozzi, A. Capozzi & A. Salvatore, C. Dafermos, E. De Pascale & R. Iannacci, A. L. Edelson & J. D. Schuur, H. Engler, L. H. Erbe, B. Fiedler, D. Flockerzi, T. Furumochi, J. Grasman, T. Hagemann and T. Naito, U.  Halbach, Y. Hino, F. C. Hoppensteadt, F. A. Howes, J. Ize, F. Kappel, J. Kato, E. Kaumann & U. Staude, B. Kawohl & r. Rühl, K. Kirchgässner, J. Kurzweil & A. Vencovska, N. A. Lar'kin, A. Lasota, W. Liniger, J. Lorenz, J.-C. Louis, P. Marcati, M. Medved, P. van Moerbeke, A. Narain & D. D. Joseph, A. Pazy, C. Pöppe, R. Riganti, D. Salomon, D. Saupe, G. Seifert, G. R. Sell, C. A. Stuart, M. Svec, H. R. Thieme, A. Vanderbauwhede, J. Vegas, H. Weber, W. Wedig, M. Willem.

Equadiff 82, Proceedings, Würzburg 1982
H.W. Knobloch, K. Schmitt (eds)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1017, Springer, 1983
Equadiff 1978: Florence (Italy), May 24 to 30, 1978
Organizers:  R. Conti, G. Sestini, G. Villari
Contributions by
R. Reissig, A. Vanderbauwhede, C. Mira, I. Fenyö, D. Wexler, C. Risito, P. Pucci, D. Candeloro & P. Pucci, V. Capasso & G. Serio, I. Gumowski & R. Thibault, B. Schmitt & R. Brezinski, R. Sergysels, V. Maric & M. Tomic, K. Deimling, J. Couot & C. Gillot, M. Laloy & P. Habets, A. Bleyer, W. R. Utz, N. Basile & M. Mininni, R. E. Gaines, M. Svec, V. Seda, M. Gregus, G. Anichini & J. D. Schuur, A. Oussalah, S. Mazzanti, N. Turbe, B. Dupuis, J. H. Balbi, K. Georg, J. Mawhin & M. Willem, J. Argémi, R. Bouc, J. Lawrynowicz, J. P. Gossez, J. R. Haddock, E. Barone, M. Cecchi & M. Marini & P.L. Zezza, H. Juricic, A. Bacciotti, L. Pandolfi, M. G. Gasparo & M. Macconi, G. Stefani & P. Zecca, M. Marino, F. Kappel & W. Schappacher, M. Marini & P. L. Zezza, J. W. Macki, M. Martelli, P. Zecca & P. L. Zezza, S. Nocilla, J. Bebernes & M. Martelli, A. Cellina & C. Sartori, M.  Cecchi, A. Avramescu, P. Santoro, G. Paiano & S. L. Paveri-Fontana.

Equadiff 78 : Convegno internationale su equazioni differenziali ordinarie ed
equazioni funzionali, Firenze 24/30 maggio 1978
R. Conti, G. Sestini, G. Villari (eds), 1978

Equadiff 1973: Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), September 3 to 8, 1973.
Organizers: P. Janssens, J. Mawhin, N. Rouche
Contributions by
J. Argémi, C. Avramescu, J. Balbi, J. Barbalat, H. Bastin, N. P. Bhatia, R. Bouc, E. Carton, R. Chaléat, J.-L. Corne, C. Corduneanu, D. C. Phien, M. Delchambre, Th. D'Hondt, J. O. C. Ezeilo, C. Fabry, D. Graffi, S. I. Grossman, P. Habets, A. Halanay, J. K. Hale, F. Kappel, H. W. Knobloch, G. S. Ladde, V. Lakshmikantham, B. Laloux, M. Laloy, P. T. Liu, B. Manfredi, V. M. Matrosov, J. Mawhin, Yu. A. Mitropolski, V. Rasvan, C. Risito, N. Rouche, R. J. Sacker, G. Schmidt, B. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, G. R. Sell, M. Strasberg, W. Szeplinska-Stupnicka, M. Urabe, R. Van Dooren, J. L. Willems.

Equations différentielles et fonctionnelles non linéaires
(Actes de la conférence internationale "Equa-Diff 73"
tenue à Bruxelles et Louvain-la-Neuve du 3 au 8 septembre 1973)
P. Janssens, J. Mawhin, N. Rouche (eds), Hermann, Paris, 1973

Equadiff 1970: Marseille (France),  September 14 to 18, 1970. 
Organizer: Théodore Vogel
1) Ordinary differential equations
J. Argemi, J. H. Balbi, D.-C. Phien & N. Rouche, I. S. Kukless, I. G. Roset, M. Strasberg
2) Functional equations and PDEs
L. Cesari, M.I. Imanaliev & P. S. Pankow, M. Jamieux, J. Mawhin, J. P. Sabatier
3) Nonlinear mechanics
H. Bastin & M. Delchambre, M. Delchambre, R. Van Dooren, A. Le Pourhiet & J. C. Paquet, A. Tondl, J. Wicher & S. Ziemba.

Semaine de discussions sur les équations différentielles et
fonctionnelles non linéaires, Marseille, 14-18 septembre 1970.
Marseille, Centre de recherches physiques, 1970.

From the preface:
"A la suite du Colloque sur les équations différentielles non-linéaires organisé à Mons par le Centre belge de recherches mathématiques en mai 1969, et du Ve Congrès international sur les oscillations non-linéaires qui s'est tenu à Kiev en août 1969, sous les auspices de l'Académie des Sciences de la R. S. S. d'Ukraine, il a été suggéré qu'un réunion restreinte, consacrée aux mêmes questions, ait lieu à Marseille en 1970, pour profiter de la présence à Nice de nombreux collègues venus pour le Congrès international des mathématiciens."
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