Minisymposia > MS2

MS2 Continuation methods and applications: Bernd Krauskopf (Auckland), Jan Sieber (Exeter)

David Barton (University of Bristol)
Harry Dankowicz (University of Illinois at Urbana Champain)
Tony Humphries (McGill University)
Willy Govaerts (University of Gent)
Hinke Osinga (University of Auckland)
Paul Ritchie (University of Exeter)
Jens Starke (DTU Lyngby)


MS2-1 : Continuation methods and applications

Thursday 14:00-16:00 (Amphi 8 - Thémis building)

Chairperson: Bernd Krauskopf

MS2-2 : Continuation methods and applications

Thursday 16:30-18:30 (Amphi 8 - Thémis building)

Chairperson: Jan Sieber


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