
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of MILYON, the `Laboratoire d’Excellence' gathering most of the mathematicians of the Lyon--Saint-Étienne area.
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL)
UCBL will be hosting the conference on Lyon-Tech La Doua campus.
Insitut Camille Jordan (ICJ) Insitut Camille Jordan (ICJ)
ICJ is the largest math lab on the Lyon--Saint-Étienne area. Most of faculty members from the math department at UCBL belong to ICJ. We acknowledge both financial and human support from ICJ.
Faculté des sciences et technologies (FST) Faculté des sciences et technologies (FST)
We acknowledge the `Faculté des sciences et technologies' of UCBL for their financial support.
Inria Inria
We acknowledge the research institute Inria for both financial and human support.
Some of the minisymposia at Equadiff are partially supported by the "Agence Nationale de la Recherche" under various research grants, including Dyficolti ANR-13-BS01-0003-01.
Clairefontaine Clairefontaine
We acknowledge the company Clairefontaine Rhodia for material support.
Rhodia Rhodia
We acknowledge the company Clairefontaine Rhodia for material support.
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